Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

Weekly blog is moving!!

My weekly blog moves to Tumblr!
Because I got addicted to it I'll make my weekly blog there!

So join us on tumblr and follow me!

Even now there few sketches on tumblr which can only be found there =3
Look around and have fun!

Love you guys!

Freitag, 20. Mai 2011

Are you sure?

Bakura: Are you sure you won't let her upload it?! *grin*

Yes, Kura, take'em all down!

Click on it if you wanna see it in big!

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011

Gemshipping ftw

Just a quick doodle
It’s a scene from my p&p RPG =)

Thief King x Ryou ftw!

I can’t colorize muscles XD they look soo wrong v_v

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Little Ryou is possessive!

Ryou: "My Kura!"

Indeed, little Ryou! At least when I draw you <3

I want to dedicate it to the lovely Phyllispear ,cuz she's so cute! *cuddle*
Hope you like it, dear! =)

Till the next one! Love you, guys!

Montag, 25. April 2011

Psycho meets psycho!

That's what I draw when I'm upset! *grin*

They will have a lot of fun, but I guess the picture speaks for itself, right? *giggle*

Samstag, 23. April 2011

Bakura in killing mood!

Just a very quick doodle!
But after watching my Yu-gi-oh dvds the whole evening, while working, I just couldn't hold back. <3 I'm gonna watch now Marik vs Yami. *O*
Our lovely Bakura is in killing mood! Maybe someone hit on Ryou!

Sonntag, 10. April 2011

I'm kinda back

Hey Guys!
I'm kinda back! But I don't think I can blog as daily as I want too.
I work on some big projects at the moment. And well... today I got frustrated because nothing works out like I want it. So I made a little, sketchy Joey junk to relax a bit - it worked by the way.
Who do you guys think holds the leash? *grin*

I guess I'll give it another try now! Wish me luck! *goes back to work*

Until next time my friends!

edit: Dammit I forgot his tail ;__;

Sonntag, 20. März 2011

food poisoning

Sorry guys!
I'm suffering a food poisoning so I won't be able to feed this blog a while! Because if I can draw the next few days I have to do some of my work. But I promise, when I'm alright again and my works done, I'll post a lot new sketches!

See you soon, my friends!


Samstag, 19. März 2011

Bakura is drunk!

Dammit! I'm late! Sorry I forgot it today ;__;
Tomorrow I'll finsh it sooner! Promise!

Haha I totally have to draw him drunk more often! It's fun <3
Bakura will have a lot of fun tonight *chuckle*

till' tomorrow guys!

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Again: BxR

Ah @---@ I nearly forgot it today >.<
Sorry, it's just a little sketch - I'm really busy with the animucillus >.<

Till tomorrow! love you guys!

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

Being watched

Actually I wanted to draw a picture with Bakura and YamiMarik but I'm a little bit busy with the Animuc illustrations so I haven't had time.. but I hope I've time for it tomorrow

Here you see another scene from an awesome german fanfic "The different faces"
Das is ne abgewandelte Version einer Szene aus Kapitel 2 der FF ;3
Wie immer nur zu empfehlen, es ist eine meiner absoluten lieblings YamixYugi Fanfics!!
Guckt euch auch die anderen FFs der Autorin an - die ist der Wahnsinn!!

Till tomorrow guys!

By the way: you don't need to have an account anymore to write me a comment! So go ahead! *giggle* <3

Montag, 14. März 2011

Little Ryou and Bakura

Imagen how it would be if they were brothers *O*
Bakura would always protect his little brother! *cuddle*
Oh boy, I wanna eat them they're just too cute!

My second entry today *wink*
That's why I don't know if I upload another one tomorrow..
But well.. we'll see!

Till then!

Destiny of Ra

It's a little scene from one of my favorite FFs

'Destiny of RA' (=It's a German fanfic!)

Für alle deutschen Leutchen: Die FF is nur zu empfehlen ich hab mich oft total kaputt gelacht und BAKURA is der hammer!! Es is übrigens ne Puzzelshipping FF also Yami x Yugi! Und vllt bekommen wir noch Tendershipping zu sehen.. wer weiß!
Lesen, lieben und Kommi schreiben!!
Die Szene is aus Kapitel 7 - Sorry when ich euch also spoilere!
Aber ich habs eh bissl umgeändert ;3

click on the image to see the lager version!!

Sonntag, 13. März 2011

~♥Ryou ♥~

It's really relaxing to draw this junks ♥
This time is Ryous turn! And guess who's hand lies beside Ryous head! *giggle*
Oh boy, I totally love them.

Till tomorrow!

Samstag, 12. März 2011


Second entry *O*
another junky Yugi this time with Yami *OO*
I'm soo hooked with those two!
They are the perfect couple, at least I think so!

Till tomorrow guys!

Freitag, 11. März 2011

~Game Start!~

From this day on my daily sketchblog is officially opened!
Every day a new sketch for you guys!


Most of the time I'll draw ygo sketches, as a warm-up for work
and well.. YuGiOh Sketches = BEST. WARM. UP. EVER!! xD
BTW: I'll only write in English in this blog ;3

Here we go
The first entry is a junky Yugi
Haha hopefully better ones will follow xD

Till tomorrow guys!!